College Prep Check List
Freshman Checklist
Establish strong study habits and time management techniques.
Explore and participate in community service.
Meet your counselor and start thinking about classes you might want to take at CA Connections.
Start a list of any accomplishments or awards to use later when you prepare a resume or fill out college applications.
Sophomore Checklist
Concentrate on academic preparation and continue to develop basic skills and extracurricular interests
Take challenging classes, when appropriate
Register for the PSAT -- good practice for the SAT
Participate in community service
Take the PSAT as a practice test (optional)
Stay on top of your academics
Be a leader in clubs, sports and other ECA’s
Take the Mock SAT or ACT
Receive results from PSAT in December
PSAT - review strengths and weaknesses
Develop learning strategies/plan for taking SAT and/or ACT in junior year
Keep your grades up
Continue with community service
Explore summer internships and jobs
Take Mock ACT or SAT
Visit local colleges, attend College Fairs, begin contacting coaches
Sign up to take summer classes at a nearby college
Volunteer, work or take classes over summer
Talk to friends and family about a variety of colleges
Register for SAT Subject Tests, if applicable
Add to your list of accomplishments and awards
Junior Checklist
Plan college visits
Take challenging classes, when appropriate
Continue with community service during school year
Register with NCAA Clearinghouse
Take the PSAT
Have your counselor evaluate your records for college preparation
Make sure you are meeting the “a–g” course requirements for UC/CSU
Continue attending college admission representative visits
Network with your peers, family, and friends for information on college choices
Start keeping a list of colleges, careers, and majors that might interest you
Research colleges
Visit local colleges
Research colleges
Visit local colleges
Explore careers
Plan a strategy for getting the SAT and/or ACT scores you want
Continue community service
Register for the SAT Reasoning Test, SAT Subject Tests, and/or the ACT
Add to your list of accomplishments and awards
Make a list of your top 10 colleges and begin investigating them
Plan college campus visits for your spring break
Explore careers/majors more in depth
Visit colleges
Research and sign up for summer internships
Take SAT or ACT
Keep your grades up
Visit colleges
Narrow down to 5 schools to focus on investigating further
Take SAT or ACT
Review test results; decide whether to take preparation course, if re-testing
Sign up for and take AP exams in May (if appropriate)
Begin drafting resume
Continue to collect information on your top colleges, majors, and career choices
Take summer classes
Volunteer or get work experience
Brainstorm ideas for writing college personal statement—draft statement
Discuss college finances with parents
Take test preparation class, if appropriate
Review your SAT or ACT scores with counselor
Visit more colleges during the summer
Ask for teacher recommendations
Add to your list of accomplishments and awards
College coaches can contact you after July 1st of your junior year.
Senior Checklist
Meet with parents to discuss college finances and any other help you need
Register for any additional testing and send scores to schools you are sure you will apply to
Check transcripts to make sure they are complete and there are no errors
Complete your resume (helps teachers with recommendations, and you with applications)
Keep brainstorming essay ideas
Look into possible scholarships
Visit schools you are interested in and take a tour
Create a separate email account for all college info—check it daily
Ask for recommendations
Make a list of colleges you will apply to and their deadlines
Decide if you are applying Early Action or Early Decision to any schools
Invite teachers to send recommendations online
Online application opens for Cal State Universities on Oct. 1; remember to check each individual campus for deadlines
Write your UC personal statement
Complete essays for early decision/early action
Complete any rolling admission, early action, or early decision applications
Online application opens for UCs on Nov. 1
Complete UC and CSU applications/essays
Register for CSS profile (for financial aid at private schools)
Send SAT or ACT test scores to all schools that need them
UCs and CSU “impacted” campus application deadline is Nov. 30
Continue working on essays/applications for Common App schools
Complete all applications
Complete all testing
Verify that all schools have received your test scores
Keep checking deadlines—most private college applications will be due sometime in January
Turn in your FAFSA form (for your financial aid package) by March 2
Send thank you notes to teachers and counselor for recommendations
Check email from colleges
If you were admitted somewhere by early decision, you must withdraw all other applications
Most priority deadlines for CSS Profile are in Feb.
Check for email from colleges
FAFSA deadline is March 2 for California schools
Cal Grants application deadline
Complete any requests from schools that admitted you (housing, essays, etc.)
Preview programs and visit colleges for an overnight
Send Intent to Register, and then notification to colleges you are not attending. (Deadline for Intent to Register is usually May 1). If deferring for a Gap Year, notify the college in writing
Check for any other deadlines (e.g. housing, scholarships)—some deadlines will be in early May
Send deposit for housing
Register for AP tests, if appropriate
Complete enrollment paperwork for your selected college
Ask for final transcript to be sent
Make sure to sit with your school counselor and review your college prep plan*